102 Insights from Blockchain Leaders / Binance Reveals Venus / Deloitte Rolls Out Blockchain

Kyle Ellicott
6 min readAug 22, 2019


August 21, 2019

This past week the Blockchain, DLT, and DApps communities all had their eyes on happenings around Berlin Blockchain Week. Additionally, we saw Binance reveal ‘Venus’, their potential Libra rival along with Deloitte releasing their blockchain. Samsung showed their hand and are going all-in on DApps with Bitcoin support for their decentralized apps store along with releasing new developer kits for the upcoming line of smartphones. The landscape didn’t stop there with insights and reports on H1 2019 blockchain funding details, the state of Stablecoins, and insights from over 100 leaders in blockchain. For more and to keep you up to speed, here’s a snapshot of the top stories this week around the industry.

📖 Zage Report Offers Insights from 102 Leaders in Blockchain Technology

Zage has published its comprehensive report titled “Real World Applications of Blockchain Technology.” The e-book represents months of surveying, compiling data, editing, analyzing, and design time for an easy read that lets readers “join the conversation” with 102 leaders in practical blockchain technology projects that are improving the lives of people today, in all parts of the world… read more

📖 Binance Reveals ‘Venus’ — Its Own Project to Rival Facebook’s Libra

Top cryptocurrency exchange Binance is launching an open blockchain project “Venus” focused on developing localized stablecoins worldwide. The exchange is seeking partnerships with governments, corporations, technology firms, and other cryptocurrency and blockchain projects for developing a new currency ecosystem that will empower both developed and developing countries…read more

📖 Blockchain Investment Trends (1H 2019)


From 2014 to 1st half of 2019 Conventional fundraising and Token Generation Events combined amounted to $32.3B funding into Blockchain sector worldwide. It can be seen that after 4 consecutive years of growth and record yearly funding of $15B in 2018, the value of capital raised during TGEs has since decreased to $2B in 1H 2019. Nonetheless, it’s still twice more than the traditional funding total value during the same period ($1.2B in 1H 2019). The total value of venture capital investments has noted a steady upward trend during the period under observation, reaching a value of approximately $9.2B…read more and be sure to check out more by TeqAtlas

📖 Combating Chronic Disease with Data, AI, and Blockchain

Earlier in the year, an interesting NY Times article reported on the odds of dying from a car crash, opioid overdose, and chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer in America. The probability of dying from an opioid overdose, according to the report, is one in 96. The chances of dying in a car crash are one in 103. But, when it comes to chronic diseases, there’s a one in 6 chance and one in 7 chance of dying from heart disease and cancer respectively…read more and be sure to check out more by the Ocean Protocol Team

👉 Check out the Blockchain for Infrastructure Landscape

📖 Deloitte Rolls Out Demonstrational Blockchain Platform

Deloitte has rolled out a blockchain-based platform designed to provide users with blockchain demonstrations and experimentations. Deloitte described the new platform as a mobile, self-contained technology platform capable of hosting blockchain-based solutions across four small-form-factor compute nodes and three video displays, as well as networking components that enable integration with external services, such as traditional cloud technologies… read more

📖 Samsung Adds Bitcoin Support to Its Blockchain Keystore

Korean tech giant Samsung has added Bitcoin (BTC) support to its decentralized app store, Blockchain Keystore. In addition to adding Bitcoin, the Samsung Blockchain Keystore SDK will also support the Kakao’s blockchain effort Klaytn network too. The Keystore is supported by six of its devices and across six jurisdictions mentioned in the article…read more

📖 The Real Benefits of Blockchain Are Here. They’re Being Ignored

Roham Gharegozlou, CEO of Dapper Labs, the company behind the viral blockchain game CryptoKitties and Brian Flynn works on the Dapper Labs product team, in a blog article are highlighting the real benefits of blockchain which have been ignored. Developers are building full-stack games, with most of the data existing off-chain, resulting in less composability, less shared data, and effectively closed ecosystems…read more

📖 European blockchain company Bitfury launches artificial intelligence unit

European blockchain company The Bitfury Group recently launched its AI division. The company has recently been valued at over $1 billion. Valery Vavilov, chief executive officer and co-founder of Bitfury, said that the company jumped into AI due to the need for analyzing and extracting value from tons of available data. He said that the AI division is currently in research mode. And the company would provide a clear picture of the range of AI products it intends to offer by the end of the year or the beginning of 2020…read more

📖 The State of Stablecoins, 2019

Source: Blockdata

2019 has proven a huge year for the development of stablecoins and decentralized finance, particularly in regards to projects built on the Ethereum blockchain. An excellent and thorough report by Blockdata, building on recent work by Blockchain.com, Stable Report, and ConsenSys, undertook a vast study of the current ecosystem of stablecoins, and uncovered a wealth of remarkable insights…read more and be sure to check out more by ConsenSys and BLOCKDATA

DApps (Decentralized Apps) Watch

📖 Outlier Ventures: Investors switch to investing in DApps developers

Outlier Ventures study states that in 2019, more and more investors began to switch from investing in cryptocurrencies to financing developers of blockchain applications and smart platforms. The report named Investments in Blockchain-2019 noted that since 2013, startups developing applications have been able to attract investments of $23.7 billion. The positive trend was previously recorded by IDC experts who published a report predicting that investments in the blockchain industry will grow over the next few years…read more

📖 Samsung dApp integrations growing blockchain adoption

Samsung has launched a blockchain and decentralized application (dApp) software development kit. The smartphone giant confirmed the integration of a cryptocurrency wallet and other features into its Galaxy smartphone range. Samsung has been steadily increasing its blockchain footprint, too far less fanfare than Facebook’s announcement…read more

📖 Decentralization Taking Shape On A New Platform For Dapps And Services

With the rise of demand in infrastructure solutions, teams of developers have started working on creating the necessary supply. Credits Blockchain is a new blockchain platform for creating Dapps and services that have risen to heed the call of Dapps developers and users seeking firm foundations for ushering forth the adoption of blockchain technologies through real use applications…read more

📚 What I’m Reading:

I recently began reading through the freshly released pages of Bitcoin Pizza: The No-Bullshit Guide to Blockchain, by Samantha Radocchia, who offers an eye-opening exploration of what blockchain is and how it will radically change our world. Whether you’re an executive looking to prepare your business for a decentralized future or a newcomer curious about the blockchain hype, this fun, and relatable guide will give you the confidence to explore this technology in more detail by first showing you the big picture. Instead of looking at blockchain with trepidation, you’ll come away thrilled by the possibilities. More to come on this book!

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The Blockchain Landscape — Q2 2019 Edition

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Kyle Ellicott
Kyle Ellicott

Written by Kyle Ellicott

Writing about #Blockchain, #DApps, #Digitization, and all things #Distributed. Host of Blockchain Today

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